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Archive of Published Issues: 2024

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://journalmediarights.org/index.php/jmr
Title Journal of Media and Rights
Publisher AOSIS
Description The Journal of Media and Rights (JMR) is an innovative and diverse platform that aims to facilitate the presentation and discussion of original research, forging connections between media scholarship and rights-based scholarship. This distinctive approach explores the relationship within various sociopolitical and cultural contexts, seeking to comprehend the positive and/or negative impact of evolving media approaches on the expression and realization of rights.
Keywords Journal of Media and Rights (JMR); Media scholarship; Rights-based scholarship; Sociopolitical contexts; Cultural contexts; Intellectual understanding; Positive impact; Negative impact; Evolving media approaches; Expression of rights; Realization of rights; Human rights; Close analysis; Media texts; Films; Television; Radio; Podcasts; Online media; Semiotics; Narrative; Contextual meaning; Media industries; Working practices; Industry structures; Human rights in media production; Sustainability in media production; Conservation messaging; Practice-based research; Practice-led research; Research artefacts; Critical reflections; Media and rights research; Populism; Factionalism; Attacks on facts and truth; Politicization of media; Weaponization of media; Reproductive rights; Workers' rights; Climate change rights; Indigenous rights; Media creators; Media scholars; Contemporary media landscape; Sociocultural moment; Rights restrictions; Global issues; Attacks on human, animal, and environmental rights
Language(s) English (en_US)
Publisher Email submissions@journalmediarights.org

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